5 Killing Tactics: How to Liquidate Amazon Inventory in 2023

This guide is for you if you… Besides eliminating excess inventory, FBA liquidation is about using the right liquidation strategies to maximize profitability. To that end, there are several key steps you should take when considering how to liquidate your inventory on Amazon. Let’s explore the topic in more detail. Should You Liquidate Amazon Inventory […]
Using Widget-Based Dashboards to Streamline Your Business

Need to stay on top of crucial data but not sure how best to do it? Want to improve communication across your team? Widget-based dashboards provide at-a-glance metrics that can be customized for different team-members One of the most important aspects of running a successful e-commerce business is making data-driven decisions. Whether by monitoring market […]
Step-by-Step Guide to the SellerMobile Amazon Chrome Extension

Is the fear of defying Amazon’s guidelines preventing you from sending review requests to customers? Or are you not sending enough requests because you’ve got too many orders to go through? SellerMobile has created the solution to help you. The brand new SellerMobile Review Request Chrome Extension follows Amazon guidelines while still boosting your product […]
How to Use SellerMobile Feedback Generator Tool to Build and Advertise Brands on Amazon

Amazon takes customer experience seriously. Other than your sales, Amazon rates your product ranking according to your seller feedback and product review scores. Meaning, this eCommerce platform depends mainly on what your customers are saying about you. In a marketplace as huge as Amazon, more positive feedback could lead to higher ranking and more chances […]
Monitoring Finances and Profitability on Amazon

Most, if not all, Amazon sellers have a tough time figuring out their true profitability on Amazon. Whether you are just starting out in this massive marketplace or a seasoned seller with a solid customer base, having a clear understanding of how much money you are exactly making is pivotal to the success of your […]
Everything You Need to Know About Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics has been around for decades and is used by marketers across several industries for different purposes. When it comes to selling to Amazon, predictive analytics plays a huge part. Not only does this tool puts you at a competitive advantage, it also helps improve your bottom line. Why Does Predictive Analytics Matter Regardless […]
SellerMobile Web App and Mobile App – What’s the difference?

There is a common misconception that web applications and mobile applications are the same – when, in fact, they are not. Not only are the development processes different, each platform also uses different programming language. There are also slight differences with the User Interface. In terms of SellerMobile web app and mobile app, some notable […]
Ten Best Amazon Tools for FBA Sellers

To be a successful Amazon FBA seller, you need to know the ins and outs of the different aspects of e-commerce – such as sourcing, inventory management, pricing, listing optimization, advertising, order fulfillment, feedback monitoring, shipping, tax, payments and customer service. More often than not, solutions to these time-consuming tasks require time and effort, and […]
Using the Blacklist Feature on SellerMobile

Setting up email campaigns and sending them to all your customers at once is highly beneficial for you and your business. Not only you save your time and effort, you also increase your product’s visibility. The more customers who open your email, the higher your chances of getting legitimate reviews from the same customers. It’s […]
How can SellerMobile Simplify Your Life

Running an Amazon business isn’t just about crunching numbers, it’s also about getting up-to-date information. Whether it’s Amazon updates you want to know, podcast episodes from popular Amazon FBA sellers you want to listen to, or just monitoring customer feedback and product reviews, you likely have dozens of tabs running in your browser. More often […]