Top Tips for a Successful Prime Day Sale 2021

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Amazon Prime members around the world are looking forward to one of the biggest sales of the year – Amazon Prime Day. This huge sales event was first introduced in 2015 to celebrate Amazon’s 20th anniversary, and it’s grown to be a substantial occasion similar to Black Friday or Cyber Monday when it comes to offering huge deals and discounts to customers. Prime Day is usually held in the first or second week of July, however, Amazon has yet to announce the official date for this year. While everyone is waiting for a conclusive announcement, it’s always best to plan ahead and be fully prepared for the colossal event. 

Best Amazon Tips to Help You Prepare for Prime Day:

  • Price Competitively

Winning the Buy Box is hugely important, now more than ever. You have to be more flexible when it comes to pricing to be able to compete with brands that are putting out multiple sponsored ads and Prime Day deals. Offer price discounts, coupons, or buy-one get-one deals to attract customers and take advantage of the traffic coming to the website. You can also include your slow-moving inventory items in the bundle to maximize on the sale.

  • Optimize Your Product Listings

It’s crucial to optimize your Amazon product listings so they display the key details of the product you are selling. Having A+ content and utilizing high-ranking keywords are just some of the ways to improve product detail pages. If you’re a brand owner, you have full control over the detail page, while resellers can control the discounts they offer. Product detail pages should only contain content directly related to each specific product. It is important to note that sellers are not allowed to add anything that mentions Prime Day sales or deals on product detail pages, as this violates Amazon’s Terms of Service

  • Optimize Product Images

Customers prefer listings with images where the product is clearly displayed, front and center. Many top-selling brands showcase their products with a plain background, which is often white, for an eye-catching yet straightforward presentation. To consistently reach more customers, it’s also essential to make sure that images show different angles of the item and highlight the key features.

  • Monitor High-Converting Keywords

It’s not news to anyone that site traffic will be at an all-time high on Prime Day. With that in mind, after you’ve fully optimized your listing, you can start to invest in Amazon PPC ads. Remember that the competition will be tight, so bidding on common keywords like “Prime Day” is not advisable. You also need to keep tabs on your bid maximums, otherwise you could easily end up spending all of your ad budget. You can, however, track high-converting keywords and run ads leading up to Prime Day, enticing your customers with what’s to come.

  • Utilize Off-Amazon Promotions

If you have a Facebook group or mailing list of customers and leads, you can remind them to get in on the Prime Day action. Run Facebook ads to redirect some of that traffic to your Amazon product page. Send an Amazon Wishlist or Gift Guide to your mailing list to help them decide on what products to buy, and drive all of that external traffic to your product listings. Directing off-Amazon traffic to Amazon and having affiliates is a solid way to improve your sales and search rankings.

Amazon Inventory Forecasting and Management

Inventory management is key for Amazon Prime Day. You want to guarantee that your products will be in-stock before the event, which you can do with efficient Amazon seller inventory software. The SellerMobile software includes an Amazon restock tool to help you monitor your inventory so you avoid lost sales, and also lets you view data directly from Amazon to see which of your products is fulfillable or available for purchase right now. You’ll get an alert when you need to restock a product, so you’ll never lose a sale. You can also prepare yourself for Prime Day because SellerMobile’s restock tool shows a forecast of your future sales to help you determine how much to restock.

Plan ahead and get ready to win big on the biggest shopping event on Amazon! Check back with us for more news and updates about Amazon Prime Day 2021.

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