How to Improve Your Valid Tracking Rate (VTR)

High seller ratings are vital for Amazon sellers. They tell shoppers whether you are able to manage your inventory, handle shipments on time, and they determine if you are able to meet customer expectations or not. You can stay on top of all of these critical seller responsibilities and more with a third-party Amazon inventory […]
How to Manage Your Amazon Excess Inventory

As an FBA seller, one of your most important tasks is striking the perfect balance between having enough inventory on-hand while not having too much, prompting extra fees. This directly affects your IPI–your Inventory Performance Index–which measures how efficient you are at handling and managing your inventory. If your score is above the standard set […]
Achieving and Maintaining the Right Inventory Balance

Inventory planning is unpredictable by nature. The slightest shift in market conditions could tip the scale, and could end you up with excessive stock or too little inventory to keep up with demand. Too much inventory may force you to discount heavily to move excess stocks while too little inventory may mean missing out on sales due to out-of-stock items. While there is no silver […]
What does Amazon temporary freeze of incoming shipments can mean for FBA sellers?

Due to the effects of COVID-19, Amazon temporarily freezes certain shipments coming into their fulfillment centers. This move will allow them to prioritize household staples, medical supplies and other high-demand products coming into their warehouses, as well as focus in the reception, restocking and delivery of these items to customers. Needless to say, thousands of FBA sellers […]
Meeting Amazon FBA Requirements During the Holiday Sales

Since holidays are right around the corner, it is important to keep your inventory adequately stocked way before the due dates given by Amazon. Failure to stock may lead to lower sales during this peak-selling season. In fact, research claims that sales made during the holiday season, particularly on Black Friday, can solely contribute to […]
It’s Not Too Early To Start Preparing For The Holidays: Q4 Inventory Management Tips

Efficient inventory management is more crucial than ever in the fourth quarter, especially if you are selling in the Amazon marketplace. Research shows that almost 73% of Amazon sellers generate half of their total sales for the year during Black Friday, Cyber Monday or Prime Day alone. When it comes to planning for Q4, it […]
Managing Inventory to Improve Cash Flow

Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business. It is one of the most important metrics when running your business. Without a healthy cash flow, growing an Amazon business can be incredibly difficult. It can affect your payments to suppliers and employees, as well as, impact the quality of your […]
Amazon Inventory Management: Importance of Keeping Amazon Products in Stock

Keeping FBA inventories fully-stocked with the products you are trying to sell on Amazon is your topmost priority as an online seller. It is your job to make your products available to your customers when they need them. However, when a certain item in your inventory is out of stock, this creates a negative impression […]