The 411 on Amazon’s FBA Small and Light Program

calculating analyzing

In June 2021, Amazon announced new changes to their FBA fulfillment fees which affected all sellers, especially those selling in the Small standard category. So Amazon created Amazon FBA Small and Light, which is perfect for sellers looking to reduce their costs on smaller items and boost sales. Effective October 29, 2021 – Amazon no […]

How to Manage Your Amazon Excess Inventory

meter to measure

As an FBA seller, one of your most important tasks is striking the perfect balance between having enough inventory on-hand while not having too much, prompting extra fees. This directly affects your IPI–your Inventory Performance Index–which measures how efficient you are at handling and managing your inventory. If your score is above the standard set […]

Your Guide to the FNSKU Amazon Barcode


We tell you what you need to know about the FNSKU and what exactly it is  What may seem like a secret or complicated formula could easily become your secret weapon to selling on Amazon when you master FNSKUs. Getting your goods barcode-optimized is only part of the process, however, and done right, you can […]

Amazon Inventory Management: Importance of Keeping Amazon Products in Stock

Keeping your products in stock

Keeping FBA inventories fully-stocked with the products you are trying to sell on Amazon is your topmost priority as an online seller. It is your job to make your products available to your customers when they need them. However, when a certain item in your inventory is out of stock, this creates a negative impression […]